SCDL PGDBCL (Corporate Law) Project Report

Application of Research Methodology to Project Work
SCDL allows learners to take up any contemporary issue of their interest in the area of Business and Corporate Laws for project work.
SCDL gives liberty to the learner to choose any relevant topic related to various courses offered under the Post Graduate Diploma in Business and Corporate Laws.
However, if the learner submits a project, which is not relevant to any of the courses offered under PGDBCL, it will not be evaluated and the learner will be treated as fail.

Learner needs to follow following steps in Research:

  • Introduction: Gives a brief introduction and background of the topic and identification and formulation of research problem for the study. Student is required to identify the grey area in law and to find a probable conclusion for the problem.
  • Literature Review: Research problem cannot be identified unless the learner reviews the available literature on the topic. Learner is supposed to read at least 7-8 books, journals, magazines or any other available quality literature for the review.
  • Research Questions: Formulating the questions to be researched, based on the literature review.
  • Objective, scope and Significance of study: What is the purpose and scope of this study? What is the grey area in the existing law and how it has to be remedied? What will be the contribution of researcher for enhancement of the existing knowledge?
  • Methodology and Tools of data collection: Research Methodology to be adopted by the learner (doctrinal or non-doctrinal), tools to be adopted for data collection etc.
  • Analysis: Analysis of the collected data.
    Limitation: Constraints of study.
  • Conclusions, Suggestions & Recommendations: Related to each objective and research question.

Students need to follow the below given link for how to give citation.

Technical specifications of the project report

  • Paper: A4 size Bond Paper only (11″x 8.5″) (Not applicable in case of softcopy submission)
  • Fonts: Times New Roman, 12 font size, ‘1.5’ spacing
  • Footnotes: Times New Roman, 10 font size, ‘Single’ spacing
  • Margin: Left 35 mm, Right 20mm, Top 35mm, Bottom 20mm
  • Binding: Rexin Black Bound or Plastic & Spiral bound (Not applicable in case of softcopy submission)
  • First (preliminary) page should have the following information:

i) Top: The Title in BLOCK CAPITALS.
ii) Centre: Full name of the student in Capital letters and Registration Number.
iii) Bottom: Name of the Institute (i.e. SCDL), in Block Capitals, and the Academic year.